WhiteCrow Walking

My solo walk across America began in Maine. I walked for nearly 3 years carrying a backpack and facing countless dangers, as well as met wonderful people I could have never made it without. From bullets to bears I moved through mountains of snow and across burning desert country. The end result will be a book, and the fruition of a childhood dream. This is a blog from the field with rough stories about my steps along the way.

18 February 2006

Floyd,VA Dancing Feet

The snow is common everywhere here today. Weightless white sand of ice is on everyones hair. We all finally look touched by winter. I am healthy, and giddy about the frosting that has settled on everything. Outside of the sound of rain on the tent at night, nothing comes close to the comforting swoshing brush of snow falling through the night onto the stretch cloth a tent. All of mans ordeals are removed of their sharp edges. Hurry is stolen from every task...even when we hurry.
I slept on a hill down behind The Floyd Country Store. A slope of land that made me cling to my mat all night was my perch. I stuffed my unworn clothing under one side of my padding so I held ground for the most part. Snow came in the morning. I listened for an hour without getting dressed. My sleeping bag already compressed in a sack did not call to me.. Outside of extremes, the cold is noticed like a bright song bird, then dismissed. Listening to the brushing of canvas, I was in twenty winters, then back.
A new town mades me put my boots on eagerly even when I am lazy, so I danced about in somebody's field at 8a.m. on a Saturday on one foot, trying not to wet my socks or fall in a pile. The dog that complained last night as I set camp just watched. Snow came down fast. I am now carring the winter look of snow board shoulders, and hat in less than a couple of minutes.
At Cafe'del Sol I listened to harp, guitar and vocals last night. After a few songs I was back at Floyd's Country Store smacking my feet as young and old rumbled the roof boards in dance. As soon as it was out about my journey, I was grabbed for a dance. I said my legs were no good. The older woman just laughed as she tugged me through the croud. Dancing was an order. She was right though. Wordlessly I was shown that this was how I had to see Floyd. Any fool could watch. When a spin came I tried to be there. When she reached for me in a smile as our feet kicked out at each other I tried to be alert in her eyes. My legs moved well, but from the waist up I was still afraid that if I moved too much my pack would take the lead, throwing me down. Silently to myself I explained that I had stashed my gear at Del Soul. My back was still welded in concern. I was young Frankenstien doing the cha cha.
So many faces wanted to know the journey that had brought me here. So many names came into my ears I just kept nodding.The warm air outside was easing down the valley as cold rallied a chase. Everyone just stomped their boots with steel tapped toes and heals a little harder. I was given free chili dogs, and question after question. I was given pages for my journal I still have to re-read.