Taos, N.M.
I have twenty minutes to tell you about a life of snow, walking high into the Rocky Mtns, and sleeping in an old adobe that Billy the Kid used to dance in. People in thes southern mountains are very kind, and I am offered rides often that of course I don't take.
From here I head to the Four Corners, and then....North?
This has been an extremely hard winter with storms coming weekly. The nights are often zero degrees. Ahhh, but the views, the nature, I may walk a million miles and never see such God given wealth. The winds blows over the clusters of yellow headed sage and everything become a calm moving. Days get down to 10 miles often. I walk slowly up the grades into the sky as magpies tease and ravens make up conversation. I am where I'm supposed to be. After months of sun burnt earth I am saturated in beauty that spills into the people.
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